People like to categorize things since it gives them nice, limited items that they can understand better. And when we talk about something as complex as emotions, it is easy to understand why psychologists have always wanted to classify them. Even though it was developed back in the 1960s, the 16-type personality model by Myers and Briggs is still relevant.

Personality typing

Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Briggs, her mother, built upon the work of Carl Jung to create the four dimensions of the human personality

  • Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E)
  • Sensing vs. Intuition (S/N)
  • Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)
  • Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P)

Each of the pairs is a dichotomy, i.e., a choice between one or the other that an individual prefers in their everyday activities. According to their theory, your preference in each of the category should be in line with predictable patterns in your thoughts and behavior. Each personality type is accorded four letters, one for every preference, and there are 16 combinations in total.

The 16 Personality Types

ISTJ – Inspector: Appears serious and formal, loves tradition and responsibility and is often reserved

INFJ – Counselor: Idealists and creative people that are characterized by deep and critical thought

INTJ – Mastermind: Often quiet and reserved and like to work alone; do not like uncertainties

ENFJ – Giver: Charismatic and people-oriented, they pay a lot of attention to feelings, intuition and abstract thought

ISTP – Craftsman: They like logic, but are also characterized by spontaneity and enthusiasm

ESFJ – Provider: Usually very extroverted and popular, they like to interact with others and make them happy

INFP – Idealist: Quiet and reserved, always looking for deeper meaning in the signs around them

ESFP – Performer: They are often seen as entertainers due to their extroversion and love of the spotlight

ENFP – Champion: They are individualistic and like to create their own methods or ideas and think outside the box

ESTP – Doer: They are extroverts in need of freedom, interested in practical and hands-on things

ESTJ – Supervisor: They believe in righteousness, and like to be leaders in this respect and give advice

ENTJ – Commander: Born leaders and decision-makers that see problems as a way to grow

INTP – Thinker: Excellent theorizers, prefer patterns, and are not interested in everyday trivial activities

ISFJ – Nurturer: They love people and like to be generous, are kind-hearted

ENTP – Visionary: Their powerful intellect needs to be stimulated, are logical and objective

ISFP – Composer: Warm and friendly even though they are introverts, want to discover new experiences

Which personality type do you belong to?

What type of personality do you belong to